Saturday, August 15, 2009

business education

These two books make a very interesting and suggestive pair: the education which the American Business School provides, and the implication that the Business leaders of tomorrow require a higher education. As the practitioners grow and mature, which is to some extent related to education, the time may come when Business, as an entity, will have to change its point of view, its practices, policies and procedures; for the Business Man is not only a practitioner, he is also an investor, a customer, a taxpayer, and a member of the larger society. However, it is to be realized that in spite of what the authors suggest, the determinants of the educational requirements of the American Business Man, in the long run, are set by the larger community which is served by Business rather than by Business Schools. It is a sad truism that the advances in science and technology have outstripped... (preview truncated at 150 words.)

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