Saturday, August 15, 2009



business education

These two books make a very interesting and suggestive pair: the education which the American Business School provides, and the implication that the Business leaders of tomorrow require a higher education. As the practitioners grow and mature, which is to some extent related to education, the time may come when Business, as an entity, will have to change its point of view, its practices, policies and procedures; for the Business Man is not only a practitioner, he is also an investor, a customer, a taxpayer, and a member of the larger society. However, it is to be realized that in spite of what the authors suggest, the determinants of the educational requirements of the American Business Man, in the long run, are set by the larger community which is served by Business rather than by Business Schools. It is a sad truism that the advances in science and technology have outstripped... (preview truncated at 150 words.)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Five Reasons Why Students Sign Up for Study Abroad Programs
No two students ever have the same reasons for choosing to sign up for college study abroad programs. Sometimes, it's the thrill of meeting new and exciting people from a different country. For others, it is a chance to engulf them into a new and wonderful learning experience. No matter what your particular reason may be study abroad programs are a rewarding, life-transforming experience to complement any academic curriculum.

Traveling to another country, as part of semester study abroad programs, is often the defining moment in a student's college life. It is truly like nothing you've ever experienced. Students gain more global perspectives about international cultures and their own. It creates memories which last a lifetime. They also receive a resume which is much more attractive, advanced language proficiency, and hopefully lifelong friendships.

The best way to learn a new language – In my opinion, there perhaps is no better way to learn a language than to be completely immersed in the culture which speaks it. You are forced to adapt. Surrounded by the language on a daily basis, you get the opportunity to see and hear it spoken in the proper cultural context. You'd be surprised how quickly language learning occurs under these circumstances.

Get to know and experience another culture first-hand – Learning and experiencing a new culture is more than simply food, appearances, and personal habits. A country's culture reflects very deep within their perceptions, beliefs, and values which influence everyday life. Students participating within college study abroad programs experience cultural differences firsthand and get a better understanding where other cultures are coming from.

Get the opportunity to travel the world - Study abroad programs aren't all about classrooms. During weekends and academic breaks, students get the chance to explore the surrounding countryside. This could be the city they are staying or the vast world outside of it. Since semester study abroad programs often put students on a completely different continent, you are closer to places you might otherwise not have had the chance to visit.

Learn a little more about yourself - Students who join college study abroad programs come back home with full of new ideas and perspectives about themselves and their own culture. It challenges them to revisit their own beliefs and value systems. It can strengthen those values or it may cause them to reflect upon them, perhaps embracing new concepts and perceptions.

Enhance the value of your degree – During semester study abroad programs, you can take courses you never would have had the opportunity otherwise to take here at home. Plus, your language skills become so adept that it is very easy to add a minor in a language or even a second major without having to take any additional courses after the return home.